Germanium Transistor Question

Started by mipo, August 09, 2024, 10:11:49 AM

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I recently purchased a pre-matched pair of germanium transistors from Smallbear for a Fuzz Face (their "Continental" set) and found something that seems odd about one of them: the included specs for Q1 indicates that a white dot on the body denotes the collector but, on my multimeter transistor tester, that leg is showing to be the emitter... but then, when I reverse the transistor, the Ebc indications do NOT reverse; that is, it still shows Ebc, rather than cbE. This is not happening on the other transistor, or any other transistor I have. Does this suggest a problem with the transistor?


Germanium does not test well in a regular multimeter.  Silicon should show the reversal.  If they are European germanium, the dot shows the collector. 


OK I'll trust it.  :)  Seems weird that the other one tests fine.


Some Ge processes were symmetrical, or nearly so. E vs C was sorta arbitrary. Later processes optimized each junction for its needs. Your "automatic tester" has no concept of technological history.

Anyway: try it both ways.


"Bring on the nonsense".

Clint Eastwood

Germanium transistors act funny when put into a transistor tester because they are leaky, and more leaky means acting more funny.