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Started by Matthew Sanford, November 24, 2023, 01:31:03 AM

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I think you might be confusing the porpoise of those two unused invertors. as you know, all unused cmos inputs must be tied to a logic level, OR ELSE. so Vcc or Vss. we can't take them higher than Vcc, or lower than Vss, so they CAN'T be connected to ground, as Vss is higher. but they have no effect whatsoever on the circuit, whether they are tied high or low.
"Bring on the nonsense".

Matthew Sanford

Interesting. On the other hand I'd read both resistances (Vss & Vcc) help create the distortion characteristics for those 4049 chips (not 4066, what crazy person would say that?). It makes me wonder if how much it's held off the rails affects which guitars work well with it? I'm probably reading too much into that, but after I finish boxing/testing my filter and correcting errors on my StompLFO, gotta clean/organize lab then set it back up on a breadboard to get my friends LP plugged in. I think I'll do a pot on the Vcc to see if balancing between rails helps, with:without input buffer and as variable gain reducer to see if anything makes it work for the LP.

Watching that Insano pedal video again not sure if they have it done the same, with all the resistance on the power part they still had good sustain, for mine set that way it's maybe a second before cutting low
"The only knowledge is knowing you know nothing" - that Sew Crates guy

Controlled Chaos Fx

Matthew Sanford

And Duck I must apologize, I set this back up on the breadboard thinking to put some nonsense 1M off the oscillator to wiggle the gain/power starve/osc and lo and behold, the CD4049UBE I'd bought on EBay were actually CD4049BD! loving having reading glasses BTW, but I'd been using the buffered chip! Same glitchy result.

The CD4049UBE from Tayda marked as such only gave me whines of different pitches depending on gain & power starve settings. The CD4049BD isn't right per scheme, but functions better. Best when pots keep moving.
"The only knowledge is knowing you know nothing" - that Sew Crates guy

Controlled Chaos Fx


the pots are always moving, sport.

CD4049BD? what now? _bay you say? well, no surprises there. does it have a makers mark?
"Bring on the nonsense".

Matthew Sanford


Editing cause I don't see my photo after posting, but under the CD4049BD there is "HLF®    9A8"

And moving pots by LFO via vactrols, with them in motion the circuit seems to have trouble dropping out. Didn't try the UBE that way
"The only knowledge is knowing you know nothing" - that Sew Crates guy

Controlled Chaos Fx

Matthew Sanford

And I must apologize again, I forgot to put Vbias on the TL072...again! With middle of 10k pair through 1M each to pins 3&5 the UBE works great, no gated synth staccato though was doing some volume warm up when changing tone control or power starve with npns removed. With them on the pots it was pretty consistent behavior. I'd originally thought a power supply decoupling cap series of 2 to ground, pulling the noise between them to bases on the CE parallel to pots NPNs, but oscillator instead.

This was all with the UBE from Tayda with the TI Texas state mark. I didn't check the BD one.

So I'm not sure why the BB set up you had acted like that and it's been an ear worm in my brain! I am trying to figure ways to make her reliable no matter the input signal. I guess buffered chip gets it more gated as a feature. Still, I only got it doing what you'd said initially, I think just the oscillator whine, when no Vbias on the input and output buffers. Funny, it did sort of work with no Vbias when the BD chip was in.
"The only knowledge is knowing you know nothing" - that Sew Crates guy

Controlled Chaos Fx