DeadEnd FX Andamento: possible issue

Started by dude incredible, August 08, 2024, 07:57:47 PM

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dude incredible

Hi All,
Hoping for some help here, as there doesnt seem to be too much info out there on this pcb nor the results. 

I will keep it as short as possible.  I somehow screwed up the LED pads, so I had to jump the anode to the zener, but LED works as it should.  However, when the switch is in the UP position ( I have tested the switch, seems to be fine) neither the rate nor the sens controls work, only the blend and tone.  Everything seems to work just fine in the switch down position.  I am at a loss.  One other guy had this same issue a year or two ago on PedalPCB forum, but he hasn't responded to my DM.  For all I know, they are not supposed to work in the up position, but I have seen one guy say his work, another says his doesnt lol. 

Link to build docs, schematic is last page


From videos, it looks like the switch just changes the direction of sweep for the envelope. This is pretty common on triggered filter pedals, and the original pedal has a graphic of sweep up and down. Also the schematic shows that you are changing an opamp between inverting and non-inverting configuration. The second pole of that switch I don't get yet...changes rate?
But you definitely should get a swept effect on both settings. Double check the components around that switch. Figure out which direction is not working. You pulled one set of pads, maybe you goofed up another. Check component values, reflow solder joints, check for solder bridges. Bad joints are not always visibly bad.