Hello I'm new here, how do I put a led in my RAT?

Started by Neutral, November 11, 2003, 12:44:08 AM

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First, yes I can solder, and I know about basic electrical components.

I've got an old school RAT pedal and I'm sick of never knowing at a glance whether it's on or off when I'm on stage.

Can anyone give me a link or straight up instructions on how to get a nice bright led in there?

cheers folks.


There's a couple of options.  If your rat has a DPDT (double pole double throw) bypass switch (I don't remember if it does), you can add a Millenium or Millenium 2 circuit (very small and simple, just treat the MOSFET with care on dry, windy days).

The whole shebang is described over at RG's excellent geofex.com site. (it is a little disorganised, so you might want to use the "search GEO" option on the homepage).

The millenium 1 is shown in a Rat clone here; http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/rodentsc.gif
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


Thanks for Joining Us.

I Don't know the rat very well but I can give you some pointers.

If your bypass (on/off) switch is DPDT then you may be able add an LED using the millenium Bypass circuit -- A favorite in these parts (lol.)
You may also Swap out your switch for a 3P3T Carling switch and you can extra pole and throws to add an LED circuit.

Also you can take this time to update your pedal to true bypass if it only has a SPDT switch or whatever.

If you have some sort of momentary switch or something than It may be a little more involved.

I Hope this helps.

Rob S.


Man, you guys are quick,
This forum rocks!
Thanks heaps for the info,
The Rat in question does have a DPDT stomp switch. The stock ones are notorious for stuffing up. I've replaced mine once before and now it's stuffed again (The ones from my local electronics store proving to be as bad or worse as the originals!) so maybe I should opt for a 3PDT since I have to get a new one anyway.  Seems like the simplest and most effective maneuver.
I have many friends who use RATs and generally the first mod is to fit it with a standard 9v power input. The lack of an led is a frustration we all share. I'm sure to have a few RATs coming my way when they see my new LED! lol

So, anyone know a supplier of industrial strength stomp switches?
I'm in Melbourne, Australia.


hey there,

i live in melbourne too, out in the eastern suburbs.

i get my switches from jaycar, though they are generally not the best thing you can get. lately ive been trying to utilize some alternate methods like a low-duty switch and a bolt and cap as the stomp, though i'm guessing you wouldnt want to start drilling different holes in your rat.

other than that it's pretty hard to find any high quality stomps, and 3p3t's seem to be unavailable around these parts.

hope ive been of some help, or at least stopped you from wasting your time with finding stuff that just isn't available (to my knowledge)



Yep, I got my last stomp switch from Jaycar and it lasted about three months!

It maybe feasible to order them in from OS somewhere, probably America.

Maybe we could find some more Melbourne members and do a bulk order??

I'm certainly going to get pretty sick of replacing them every three months! (and having them stuff up on stage like the lat one)


i like that idea, i think we need to start a 'melbourne people' thread

good idea?
