Output Buffer Ckt For Wah

Started by Paul Marossy, September 20, 2003, 10:40:07 PM

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Paul Marossy

Well, since my humming vintage ckt brd just doesn't work with my rig, I modified my CryBaby by changing four resistors and one cap. Boy does it sound hugely improved! Anyhow, I was thinking about putting a output buffer on it. Does anyone know of a place on the web where I can find a schematic that shows how to wire an output buffer for a wah pedal?
Thanx for the help, as always.

Paul Marossy

I hope my first post wasn't confusing... I modified my brand new GCB-95 circuit to make it sound a lot better. I would like to put an output buffer on it for use with my Fuzz Face. I looked at AMZ's Basic Buffers article, but it looks like those are all intended to be input buffers. Can I just use one of those jfet buffers and get rid of the resistor to ground on the input of the buffer? I am thinking that should work, but would like a second opinion or two. :wink:
But then I think that the output buffer should be somewhat of a preamp...
Anyone done this before?


The Tubescreamer article at GEO...just for the application reference on the output buffer of the TS.  That ckt segment [there's a separate subarticle on each segment of the TS] could probably be hacked in and would be suitable for most applicable output buffers here.
 Im wondering now what the differences/needs are between input and output buffers...
 there's other output buffers to look, lurking within some chosen schematics...use a copy of the AMZ and TS buffers...look [at different schems] for a last transistor with the signal coming off the emitter...they should look soemthing like the AMZ or TS buffer's'.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



Let us know how this one goes. I failed miserably at finding the right BUFFER  gain structure to make the wah work with my FF. I built the buffer from GGG and it just didn't help a lot. It's a good signal buffer, but the FF still sounded weird. The one FoxRox makes is supposed to work, but he's not telling how he does it for obvious reasons($$$$).



Paul Marossy

I did see the Tube Screamer schematic, I remembered that it has an output buffer. I suppose I could hack that part of the circuit, but I don't know that I need to have a voltage divider (Vref) and all that stuff.

I saw that Stuart Castledine makes an output buffer for a wah ckt, too. That's were I got the idea to make my own. It can't be that hard to do....

There's one at GGG? Where is it? I looked for something like that on JD's site, but didn't see anything. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place...


Paul Marossy

Thanks for the link.
So did your circuit not have enough gain, or too much?
Which one did you build, transistor or jfet? Which transistors did you try?
I think I am going to try the jfet one and use trimpots to control the gain.


Paul, I'm curious as to what resistor and cap values you used on your GCB-95. I'm way into coming up with a set of good mods for those things.


I probably gave up before I should have. I used the transistor version, which seemed to be around unity gain. To my ears though, the FF still sounded strange. I then built the Rocket, which loves the wah-wah, and have pretty much left the standard FF behind.

Try the JFet and let us know how it goes.



Paul Marossy

I've been thinking about it a little bit the last couple of days. I think it would have to actually be a preamp more than a buffer, or maybe a preamp with a buffer.

Funny, if you look closely at the FoxRox circuit pictures on their site, it looks like they are made on perfboard with some shrink wrap around it...


Im new here,great info.
I bought a buffer for my modded vox wah from foxrox,you know the captian coconut pedal guys?? it has fixxed my wah/fuzz face woes completely.It lets both pedals work as they should     fyi


QuoteDoes anyone know of a place on the web where I can find a schematic that shows how to wire an output buffer for a wah pedal?
Check out the "Basic Buffers" article at http://www.muzique.com/lab/main.htm
