How to implement this great idea...someone elses of course.

Started by BillyJ, November 23, 2003, 03:53:09 PM

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There is a thread at ampage called "I don't get it"
I am lame and figure how to link to it but there is a link to this device above and someone posts later on:
"How about this pedal but with the pilot light changing intensity with the higher-lower the volume...?"

I think this is a great idea. Can it be done?
I am waiting on some 3PDT's for my first pedals witgh indicator light so I have no experience with them but don't they use a resistance to ground?
Any smarter folks say if this could be done or not?

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

The part of a LED/LDR compressor that drives the LED, will do this.
In fact, you can probably get way with just an op amp taking the input signal & driving a led thru a resistor. More signal = more light.

Peter Snowberg

I agree with Paul.

Check out the envelope detector of an Orange Squeezer.

I would do it as:

... a high impedance buffer (JFET or opamp)
... to a diode that charges a capacitor with a bleeder resistor across it
... to a small NPN like a 3904 to conrol the lamp/LED

Take care,
Eschew paradigm obfuscation

I think what BillyJ is talking about is a way to make the LED brighter as the volume pot is turned higher.

So, the box is just a pot and an LED.

Get a dual (stereo) pot and wire one half of it just like a volume pot:

lug1 to ground, lug3 to INPUT, lug2 (wiper) to output.

Then the second one would be a voltage divider like this:

lug1 to ground, lug3 to +v, lug2 (wiper) connected to current limiting resistor, to LED, to ground.

Then, as the pot is turned clockwise, the volume increases AND the LED brightness increases too. Taper and pot resistance 'could' be an issue, I dunno.

Is that what you're talking about Billy?

Fp : Effect PCB Layout artwork classics and originals :


Yes yes exactly.
Just as I was logging in I was thinking a dual pot...too cool.
Thanks for the help I think when I can I will play with this.
I think it would be cool if it worked well.
Thansk everyone for the input.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

OK! I had entirely the wrong idea (again!).
But, it makes me think.. I find it difficult to distinguish a bright from a dim led (especially on stage!) so, it might be better to have a blinky light, that changes either time on, or increases frequency, as you 'turn up the wick'.

or a row of leds that will light one after the other.

Fp : Effect PCB Layout artwork classics and originals :


Oh man P{aul get back here and give us some idea on those blinky LEDS. Do they blink fast or slow depedning on????
Hmmm now I have to check that out too.
Great idea Paul!! The row of leds is cool too but I'm too lazy for all that drilling.
Too cool.