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Started by jaybee, November 20, 2003, 01:57:54 AM

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I'm new here, and got here in search for info on an idea of mine (don't roll over and die laughing if it isn't an original ok :wink: )

I want a 'pedal' effects loop, so I can send my direct guitar signal to the amp with ADDED effects

so the box would need:

gtr input_________unaffected signal__________________gtr output
               |                                                       |
               |                                                       |
               |                                                "effects volume"control
               |                                                       |
               send                                               return

can anyone help me out here?

thx a lot



this came out looking completely NOT as I intended :oops: (that'll teach me to use the 'preview' button!)


gtr input
(unaffected signal)
|----(fx "volume ctrl)---return
gtr output

eventually an on/off switch so I can turn off all fx at once

the purpose of the box would be to keep the 'clean' (sometimes 'messed up' with wah) direct signal, then ADD overdrive, chorus and tremolo to this to retain the initial attack and fullness of the direct signal when using OD...

thx 1ce more



A simple true bypass box would do the trick - all you need is a DPDT stompswitch, and 4 guitar jacks.

the stomp switch should look like this

effects send -----|1       6|----Effects return
guitar input ------| 2      5|----Guitar output
Bypass in---------|3-----4|---- Bypass out

this means, that lug one goes to the effects send jack,
lug 6 - to the effects return
plug the guitar into lug 2
cross lugs 3 and 4
the amp jack goes from lug 5

i hope that made the slightest amount of sense - though, i'm not exactly sure how you'd need to run this with power :? so someone will please back me up (or contradict me completely) on this one

i hope i've been of some help

Peter Snowberg

Welcome Jaybee, :D

It is getting harder and harder to have a truely original idea these days, but it is still a great idea. ;)

I have had several ideas that I thought were original, well at least I came up with them on my own, only to find that people here had the same idea. This is one reason I like this place so much.

I search the archives and found this one to start off:

This one is a little more advanced:

This design gets more complex in different ways:

Then we have this version which is modified for bass:

Wow... I didn't know there were so many designs here. :) I found all these by searching for "parallel AND mixer". There are more of them in the search results.

Take care,
Eschew paradigm obfuscation


thx for the help, I'm going to take a look at those sites and talk to our bass player about it (he's the one who knows which end of the soldering iron NOT to hold :wink: )


I'm not sure what you mean... Do you want to simply be able to bypass the FX, or do you want to mix them in in parralel?
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.