EasyVibe capacitors

Started by Bill_F, November 24, 2003, 09:21:55 AM

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Hi all,

I'm building the Easyvibe from the Geo layout. It calls for two 470uf 10 volt electrolytic caps. Usually the voltage isn't singled out like this. Is this important in this circuit or can I use 16 volt caps like usual?

Thank you,


as long as you meet or exceed the rated voltage on a capacitor, You'll be fine...getting the right microfarads or uf is important for proper ckt function, though they can be fiddled with...
 use caps rated at at least 10v / or 10 v and up
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks Pete. I understand that you can use any cap rated above 9v. I usually use 16v caps and they are fine for everything. But on this schem RG has written on these caps alone 10v. The other electros have no voltage specified. I was just wondering if it had something to do with getting the opamps started.

Thanks again,