I'm sick of solder fumes

Started by Bill_F, November 25, 2003, 12:20:49 PM

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well i think i will take that again when i am more awake..   didn't do so well on that one.

a coulpe of others though i have smoked so i wonder what is the standard.

of course i know where my strenghts lie.  
i aced the ASVAB... :)

Peter Snowberg

There are 23 separate types of aptitude known in academic circles. The IQ test makes a mush of the ones the test makers excel in so don't take the number too seriously.

I've dealt with a couple Ph.D.s that were very intelligent, but I wouldn't describe them all as witty or smart. I've also been amazed at some of the things I've heard teenagers say. Intelligence comes in many forms and the IQ test doesn't recognize many of them as even existing.

Einstein made a quote about how there was no class he could have taken to understood what he did.

Crossing the street is dangerous…. Breathing city air can be very dangerous…. Mitigate the danger and follow your bliss. :)

Worst case, get a respirator with organic vapor cartridges and solder away. Just wash your hands before you eat/smoke/or whatever.


PS: Don't try to pause the test, it will score you on the spot and quit.
Eschew paradigm obfuscation

Greek Acrobat

For anyone who's interested, here's some links giving safety info on some of the chemicals Peter listed.


A simple google search will get you anything you want to know too - there's a shed load of data available on chemical saefty.
d a e r h t a y b g n u h


Quote from: zachary vex

I can see the thread now (seeing as we've had age and place) - OT: What was your IQ score!
"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter


it sucked on this one. it was only like 115

try emodes  it is more rounded.  this one is just perception. to see how linear you think..

i got a 156 at emode.  theres another one also

got like a 137 on it