got a delay-time/osc. idea this morning...

Started by cedric, December 18, 2003, 05:21:46 AM

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could one place a resistor between the 'delay time' pot-lugs 1 and 2 (ie. IN, OUT).
and have the resistor be switched on/off by an external switch.

wouldn't this resistor to the delay-time?
not in the sense that more delay time is added, but in the sense that it'll sound like you turn the delay-time UP and DOWN (pitch changes etc..)?

and you could do this to the REPEAT pot too - making it self-oscillate with the right resistor.

a good idea?

- ced


Yes, you can also place a fet instead of a resistor and then control the fet with the oscilattor you want. Thats what I did.
Depending on the setting of the delay time pot you get flanging, chorus, vibratos or weird siren sounds. The feedback control can play an important role on getting a good sound. Also depends on the delay time limits of the unit (it has to go very low to do the flanging thing)


Eramos tan pobres!


I tried this out as a mod to a memory man-it was sort of fun.  I believe theres a semi-botique delay out there that has a switch that sort of does that.



UI had a thought about the MMD mod you talked about Colin and somehting Mark Hammer said the other day about
a tremelo that would be fast at first but slow down as it dcayed. I wa imagining your DMM mod with the octave in the loop.
I could imagine that octave droping eveytime and having it trem fast to slow...I don't know I'd like to hear that....then maybe some oanning phase the mess :O)
Ah someday I will have enough gizmos to try such ideas ;O)
Cool ideas gents.