Diy mod question

Started by gringo699c, January 17, 2004, 09:45:08 PM

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Say youve been trying to mod your boss sd1. You changed one of the caps several times.
  On the bottom of the board where the legs come thru the hole there is this silver stuff around each hole that the soldier seems to stick to.
  What do you do if that silver stuff comes off and you are having trouble getting the soldier to stick.
   I am new at all this so excuse my lack of terminology etc.


If the pad is starting to come off, you could run a jumper to another point that is connected to that pad by a trace. Next time, you can buy some snap off IC sockets and put a 2-pin socket in place of the cap. That way, you can try many different caps without soldering.


The pad itself is fine its just right around the hole where legs come through where you soldier, the silver metal stuff that surrounds the hole has worn off in two spots.


The silver metal stuff around the hole is refered to as the pad. If you can't make a good solder joint to what's left of it then you'll have to take a piece of bare wire and solder one end to the cap and the other end to a healthier place on the same trace of the board. It's not difficult.


Thats what I will do and thanks for your help.