Headphone practice amp finished. But not perfect...

Started by smoguzbenjamin, January 18, 2004, 01:29:30 PM

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Hey all!

I got my practice amp (which resembles the little gem) finished today! I included 2 'modes', battery and Wallwart (9-12V). However, I plugged my 9V 250mA wallwart into it, selected the wallwart mode, and my wallwart buzzed angrily and then its fuse went  :evil: Why the hell did that happen?

I don't have anymore of those damn fuses. Shit. No FX playing tonite then. Gotta wait till tomorrow to get a fuse :x

But for the rest it's really cool! 8) My mini amp rocks!
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Just jumper the fuse until you get one back, just remember not to plug it in any appliance untested before the fuse died.

Check for extra heat or smoke, watch your six!! ;)
Cut it large, and smash it into place with a hammer.