Hey moose, where'd you get these SMD pots?

Started by ExpAnonColin, January 29, 2004, 09:17:54 PM

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Just what I've been lookin' for all my life.

Is it mouser part #s 31VQ___?  I've always thought that's what they were, but I've never been sure.  Do they fit into a breadboard without damaging it?


Marcos - Munky

Hi Colin. I found this kind of pot in the local store, I asked for "mini" pots and they came with this kind of pot. But the only that I found with this size of legs is the 100k.

Alex C

I've never used these, but the leads in the picture look huge compared to those of the resistors.  If I'm seeing correctly, I'd say they would definitely not fit in a breadboard without damage.  But I'm only going from that picture, I could be wrong.


collin i have only seeen one pot that would fit in a bread board without damaging it. and i haen't been able to find a distributor


FWIW, those aren't SMD pots.  They are thru-hole, PCB mount.
SMD mount components don't require any holes in the PCB.
I've seen SMD pots, but they are typically trimmer types.

Futurlec sells something similar, although they mount to the
PCB at a right angle.  They're cheap too!!!




Quote from: afranksFWIW, those aren't SMD pots.  They are thru-hole, PCB mount.
SMD mount components don't require any holes in the PCB.
I've seen SMD pots, but they are typically trimmer types.

Futurlec sells something similar, although they mount to the
PCB at a right angle.  They're cheap too!!!



My mistake, thanks for the correction.  I"ve always used futurlec pots, they're a favorite of mine, but I want to mount at a parallel.  You're right, Alex C, I didn't notice that :)

Normally what I am doing now for breadboard is taking the futurlec pots and soldering #20 gauge non-stranded wire, short leads, to all of the holes.  Just wanted some "parallel mount".
