guys , this is very important to me please reply

Started by troubledtom, February 06, 2004, 08:15:12 PM

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Marcus Dahl

It depends on what my stituation is. I'm a lefty player, but in one band where I don't front the band, I stomp with my left. I'm naturally right handed though. So when I front a band I set everything up so that I can stomp with my right. It sounds very strange I know.  :wink:
Marcus Dahl


Right always. But now I feel challenged to try and use both.  :cry:


Hey Tom,that would be great!
If i can afford it there is a new customer typing this :wink:



I use both, depending on the order wich I´m switching.
My board is, from left to right: (effects brand and model change, but I try to keep the kind the same)

delay, chorus, fuzz, autowah, wah, smallstone(this is a keeper), volume

So if I'm playing dirty, and want to swiths to clean-delay, I use both feet simultaneously.

Other timer I wah with my left, 'cause I want to turn the smallstone on afterwards...sometime with my right, tu turn my distortion on....

I see you point, I think. Are you polling this to figure where to put the swith in each box? If so, keeping them ALL centeres will give you the same distance between stomps as keeping them all aligned to one see?
.::keko::. // desahógate ahora! // Digital « Design » Atelier


I would prefer to stomp with my right, but if I use a music stand at church, I put my pedalboard on the left of the stand and use my left foot.  I started grade school as a southpaw, but I was "converted" to a rightie.  I play guitar rightie.  If space permits, I stomp rightie.  When I have my wah built, I'll have to stomp rightie whether I have a music stand or not.  I don't think I'll have the foot dexterity to control a wah with my left foot.

Jay Doyle

Right: Wah and most stompboxes.
Left: Those stompboxes I can't get to in time with my right foot.


But the way the stage is at the last place, I ended up putting the efkts board to my left, half under a pool table...away from the 'stage idiots' drunk guy 'decided' to lie down on my didn't look very backways Over the monitor and onto my pedalboard ... Ppl's eyes are drawn to it, then the body just seems to follow...there are three instances that stand out [in the last two months] where ppl are trippin over, or falling onto my damages to pedals...the one girl had to be carried away though, and I always carry a spare ToneB or FF...
 So I used my left foot for everything except wah wah...the left foot is too 'dumb' for wah..the right foot is like hardwired and takes much less brain power for it to function properly.
 If it's any help...more of my recent builds have the switch on the right side /front....[the rest switch  in the middle/front] none on the left side.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



but I hope that one day, if I work hard and apply myself, I'll be using both feet...Man, I can't wait!!!


Arn C.

I am a right-handed guitar player and I use my right foot for pedals.  I also use my right foot in front for slalom water skiing......But I have been known to also use my left in front...

Arn C.


Quote from: RDVWhen are we gonna see it on your site? The OW that is.


soon bro,
     - tom


when i use my double wah pedals, i use both feet at the same time!
it looks like im skiing, i had trouble at first, so i made a strapping
system that i put my feet into so that i dont fall over!
just kidding.....

right foot mostly (wah, volume pedal, etc) but i do use my left foot
for my a/b boxes...
Casey Campbell


What I'm wondering is why this is so important... :)
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Quote from: smoguzbenjaminWhat I'm wondering is why this is so important... :)
device layout for many controls.
when i sit and play i use both feet all the time. when i'm standing i alternate. when i'm sing'n and play'n i only use my right foot.


That makes sense. Man I gotta learn to sing and play, a bunch of friends made their own album last week and they can sing and play at the same time :D check out their website //!
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Quote from: smoguzbenjaminThat makes sense. Man I gotta learn to sing and play, a bunch of friends made their own album last week and they can sing and play at the same time :D check out their website //!
i listened to one song,.......not bad :D  you can hear what the singer is say'n , huh. what a good idea. :P
  - tom


Yeah I really like 'em :) The singer is really great :D
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.

Gilles C

Just a side note about one thing I don't like: footswitches too close to knobs or switches.

I am not very precise when I hit a footswitch... so I could kill a switch or a pot easily if it was too close to the footswitch.

That's why I bought a remote footswitch for a project I have in mind that could have many pots or switches...

Gilles (3 days from a vacation trip to Cuba... :P )


Alex Fiddes