Bias on Fuzzface Q1

Started by brett, February 24, 2004, 06:17:27 PM

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As many of you know, the standard Ge Fuzzface comes with a 33k resistor on the collector of Q1.  That generates a voltage of about 1.2V on the collector of Q1.  But for an Si FF the collector voltage is much higher, and it takes about a 100k-200k resistor to take the collector voltage down to about 1.5V.  With the larger value resistor, it seems to sound ok, but I'm concerned that I'm messing something up in some way.

What value resistor (on the collector of Q1) do other people use in Si fuzzfaces?
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


The standard values with the right transistor gain for Q1 Si BC 109c and 109 is 33k if you chnage this value it's posible that your transisyor have too much gayn,i'm noy sure that's the 1.5V is the base voltage on the old Silicons FF but we rae cloning then,,,every values are goods if you're happy with your pedal



Hi Brett,

I would try different transistors to get closer to the ideal biasing. As well as optimum hfe range.

This happened to me trying to build miss piggy using 2n5088's. I couldn’t bias the effect properly at all. I tried a few other transistors that got closer. I tried BC547 they worked way better. I adjusted to spec then do small tweaking by ear with the 2 trim pots. :P
