Ge Fuzz Face Switch Popping...

Started by Triffid, March 02, 2004, 09:54:09 PM

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I originally posted my problem in the beginners forum, but I'm putting it here for more visibility...

I am having a switch popping problem witha germanium tranny fuzz face that I recently built. I put a 1meg resistor @ output and input and I am still getting popping while switching. I have a 50k pot (bias) before my cap/resistor, could that be the problem?

Looking at previous forums I noticed that the voltage @ input and output should be 0, I measured mine and got 0 at input, but I actually got 8.6 volts at output!.  I assume this is bad.  I have gone over my curcuit many times and compared it to my other ff (that works fine), and I can't see the problem.  Anyone got any suggestions as to how to go about debugging this better?

Thanks for your help


Wow, found the problem already... just a boring short around my output cap.

Thanks anyway