Latest schem for the stupid box?

Started by javacody, February 10, 2004, 12:06:21 AM

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RDV, how would you describe the stupid box?


Wow, well guess I can post here from search tool now....odd.

Anyway, I breadboarded the Stupid Box and I really like it! Very good for the more "hardcore" punkrock distortion I'm looking for. One of the reasons I like this type of distortion is that it makes the sound of the pick scratching the strings when palm-muting more present (as opposed to almost inaudible with a fuzz type distortion, or smothered by the bass).
Was really quick and simple to put together. Right now I'm playing with the circuit a little to figure out what I like best. I used a TL082 and 1N4384 diodes (I tried 1N4004 and got pretty much the same sound). I changed the gain pot to 500k, input cap to .01uf, and replaced the 10k pot with a fixed resistor, since it was too subtle for me (it kind of acted like a pre-volume pot...).
I do get some white-noise in the background, but I'm assuming it's just my changes to the circuit and my guitar/environment just being noisy. I'm gonna try a TL072 when I get one.

Thnx Mr. marshall :D

"Displaying my ignorance for the whole world to teach".

"Taste can be acquired, like knowledge. What you find bitter, or can't understand, now, you might appreciate later. If you keep trying".