DOD Pedals... for the love of BREAD

Started by Somicide, March 18, 2004, 03:05:00 PM

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I remember that not too long ago, there was a discussion over the these, namely the Deathmetal and Grunge Pedals, and how they were fairly close to one another.  How Close is what I'd like to know.  My girlfriend is lending me her Grunge (my damn pedals always get stolen) and I was wondering what i could mess with (temporarily of course) to make it Deathmetal-y.  Well, sort of...
Peace 'n Love

Mark Hammer

If you have a girlfriend, and one that not only HAS some pedals, but will LOAN them to you, I can see why you are able to keep a level head despite losing your own pedals. :wink:

I don't have a "Deathmetal" pedal schem, but the Grunge pedal schem shows four resonant boost sections, absolutely identical in form to what you'll see in RG Keen's Parametric EQ Made Easy paper over at GEOFEX.   One of these resonant booster section comes before the clipping diode pair, and three come after, with one of the post-clip sections variable (i.e., cut and boost).

Differences between the DM and G pedals may well be with respect to how the gain is structured and where the resonant boosts are in the frequency spectrum.  Assuming the basic structure of the DM is like this, all of those differences are easily modified and easily reversed without doing any damage to the pedal.

Wish I could help you out more but I only have half the information at hand.


yes, very great girl she is.  And thanks very much on the info, it should prove helpful.  I'm not sure on the IC (I'm pretty sure its a 4558 or similar) but I'll probably pop in a socket or just solder in a tl072, seeings how i like it a little better.  Or this sweet little NEC thing i never heard of before but pulled from a tape deck or something.  Good times.  Yeah, thanks again.  

ooo, some diodes too!  and then theres a tranny!  God, modding is fun.  so much easier than creating, but not nearly as satisfying.  For a third time, thanks!
Peace 'n Love