Replacing the CLM6000

Started by jflam, April 21, 2004, 12:01:03 AM

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Does anyone know what kind of chip could substitute as a replacement for this part??

I want to find something to replace that optoisolator that's cheap...I could make the one's posted as general guitar gadgets, but photocells aren't cheap.....

Any suggestions??


If you on smallbear they have a few different ones.  I don't remember how much, so I don't know if they are in your price range or not.  Other than that I just use the clm600's, I have some left over from when they were in production and got them cheap.

Ipso Facto


NSL32  and  VTL5C3  are  good  replacements.
DIY  optoisolator  is  just  as  good  as  most  commercial  one.


so if i make the diy clm6000, what type of photocell should i use??

Also, where can I find them cheap???

LP Hovercraft

I've had good results with the DIY CLM6000 per RG Keen's instructions on geofex.  Radio Shack sells cadmium sulfide LDRs and at least one of them in the five pack goes in that wide of a resistance range <1000ohms->1meg.  If using more than one in a given circuit-For best results, match them as closely as possible.  It's definitely cheaper than the CLM6000, too.


I  usually  use  Silonex  NSL-19M51  or  Vactec VT935G.
R.G.  recomended  some  LDR's  from  Mouser  in  Neutron  article
and  L934SGC  3mm  green super  bright  LED's .
I  use  L53SGC and  they  have  same  characteristics  as L934SGC,  but  in  5mm  format.
You  MUST  use  green  LED's  because  LDR's  of  that
type  are  most  sensitive  in  green  wavelength  area ( around 560nm).