OT: Obsolete device: LH0042CH

Started by Ge_Whiz, April 21, 2004, 11:37:32 AM

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I have just acquired three Signetics LH0042CH devices in eight-pin round TO-style housings. I'm guessing they are early op-amps. Might anybody out there have any data, esp. pin-out? I've searched the mighty Internet with no luck.


Peter Snowberg

Here's the Google cache of the Signetics datasheet minus pictures. :(
cache of LH0042 datasheet

Luckily that part was also sources by National Semi who still has the datasheet online. :)

It looks like a nice TL071 and those 8 pin TO-99 cans sure have visual mojo value. ;)

Take care,
Eschew paradigm obfuscation
