Heavy Metal Pedal Prototype

Started by RDV, April 27, 2004, 04:06:35 PM

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Well, you were right...three times...three misconnection...geez what was I on...oh, yeah....

Everything works well now. I had a sort of gate effect at some point, which was pretty cool on the upper string but it killed the 3 lower ones. It's a really cool pedal. I like it when I palm mute on the lower strings and I still get the grinding you get on the upper strings, from the pick scratching the wrapping.

One thing tho, the tone 50k pot/trim affects the volume alot, anyone have an idea how to get around that? An explaination of why that happens would be cool too. Maybe I just wired something wrong again...

Great work, keep it up! Yoo can doo it! Run forest, run! And thnx :D

"Displaying my ignorance for the whole world to teach".

"Taste can be acquired, like knowledge. What you find bitter, or can't understand, now, you might appreciate later. If you keep trying".


Quote from: strungoutOne thing tho, the tone 50k pot/trim affects the volume alot, anyone have an idea how to get around that? An explaination of why that happens would be cool too.
It  affects the volume alot because of the amount of treble it rolls off. You could try taking out the resistor(2.2k) that follows the pot which would raise the rolloff frequency a bit, therefore reducing the volume rolloff, or even use a smaller pot like 25 or even 10k.