mounting LED into aluminum box

Started by crawler486, May 11, 2004, 09:47:41 AM

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I have this LED holders but I dont know how to mount them into my aluminum case. The holder doesnt seem to have any grooves that will
let it cling to the case.


Look back down the list of topic's there was just a post on here yesterday that showed bezal's that had a retaining nut.


hmmm, unfortunately I cant get those kinds
from here.


it would help if you let us know what sort of bezel you're using.
if you're using the black plastic bezels (from mouser, radio shack, etc.)and 5mm LEDs, they *should* fit in a 1/4" hole. when you insert the LED, it expands the clip. try it on something besides your aluminum box first, to make sure everything fits correctly.


Brian Marshall

it's a bird.....

it's a plane


Mark Hammer

As long as the top of the LED does not come out higher than the surface of the chassis (where it can come under pressure from wayward feet, etc.), there is absolutely nothing wrong with mounting an LED in a snug hole and securing it with some superglue (cyanoacrylate), epoxy of hot-glue.  Just make sure that the leads are insulated so they don't short out against the chassis.  You can do that by saving a bit of insulation from hookup wire and slipping it over the LED leads.

Having said that, the plastic bezels are nice because they provide a highly contrasting surround that makes the LED easier to see.  Easier to see means lower current needs means longer battery life.

Of course, you can always do what Snarling Dogs does, and situate the LED in the middle of a dark graphic that will increase its visibility.

Your choice.
