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Stereo Crybaby???

Started by Transmogrifox, May 12, 2004, 11:54:16 AM

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Would you pay for these mods?

Stereo Crybaby
1 (16.7%)
Dyamic Q
1 (16.7%)
4 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: May 12, 2004, 11:54:16 AM


I have a crybaby that I intend to mod and thought I would ask for some opinions:

I had the idea to turn it into a stereo crybaby, where it fades left to right as you sweep the pedal, so in a stereo setting, it would sound like the wah is moving around you.

The reason I ask, is that I'm hoping to sell the crybaby on eBay and don't want to waste my time on mods that won't sell it for a price that's worth my time doing it...

so the question is this:

How many of you would pay extra bucks on eBay for a crybaby modded for stereo panning outputs  if you weren't able to do it yourself?

I already did a true bypass mojo job on it.  I also was thinking about doing "dynamic Q".  It changes the resonance of the filter by how hard you pick, but I think there is only enough room for the stereo circuit or the dynamic Q, but not likely both.

Question 2

How many of you would rather have dynamic Q than stereo wah?
tr.v. trans·mog·ri·fied, trans·mog·ri·fy·ing, trans·mog·ri·fies To change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre.


I had a stereo crybaby for many years, and the panning feature is way cool, esp. for recording. But personally, I don't make a habit of buying DIY modded pedals on ebay, let alone paying more for them. Unless you have a *name-brand* mod (Keeley, Analogman, etc. ) with a popular and proven track record, don't expect the value of the pedal to hold after you mod it.

Kerry M


8) Both of these mods sound cool in themselves but together they would make a unique wah and thus be essential.I think its worth the effort to try and put them both in the same pedal but having one of these mods sounds like a cool addition.


Bwanasonic is right. The mods are a great idea but they certainly won't add value to your pedal, and certainly wont cover your costs in time and materials. In my experience, if you've got something original and you drill  a hole in it, you always regret it when you try and sell. I say do the mods and keep the pedal!

Chris S

I remember reading once that SRV had either a Crybaby or volume pedal that had a stereo mod in it. But that mod where you could turn the pedal (looking from above) clock wise or anticlock wise. That way you get the up part of the pedal going left or right depending on what you felt like.

I know this is way harder but I thought it might inspire.

Also I don't buy anything stero becasue I don't have two amps. And I just can't justify it. Sorry...  :(



Thanks all for your comments so far.

I had kinda suspected that mods done by 'average joe' may not boost the price except to the rare individual who is looking for something different.

I am taking a couple summer classes and need a part-time job and I was thinking, "what better job than doing what I love to do", that is, if I can make enough money to pay the bills.  I may just have to be looking for a normal day job.  You all that browse this forum probably are the best representation of what regular guitar players like, what they'll pay for, etc...that I can think of...
Quote from: jubjubBwanasonic is right. The mods are a great idea but they certainly won't add value to your pedal, and certainly wont cover your costs in time and materials. In my experience, if you've got something original and you drill a hole in it, you always regret it when you try and sell. I say do the mods and keep the pedal!

I think I'll take your advice...maybe list it on eBay a couple times for an outrageous price and see if anybody nibbles, but I do have use for a stereo crybaby.
tr.v. trans·mog·ri·fied, trans·mog·ri·fy·ing, trans·mog·ri·fies To change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre.