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Kama Sutra

Started by jrc4558, May 21, 2004, 10:31:22 AM

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Hey everybody! Aside from the ancient art of screwing, these two words were supposedly used to name a pedal in some past years. The pedal is said to have been what we know now to be the " '69 " made by Mr. Fuller.
I was thinking to use that name for a distortion that I designed. Does anybody here knows if there's a current pedal manufactured by anybody under that name?
Thank you. :)

Mark Hammer

Mike Burgundy is your man here, and yes it is a Fulltone 69 clone.

If you can't find it or him, drop me an offline note with your e-mail address and I'll send you the layout.


Doesn't ring a bell besides that with me.
  Josh sezz...Just call it the F Pedal !!!
 I think you've picked a great name for a pedal, maybe there's a copyright  search engine you can use to research all things Kama Sutra?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Ben N

Seems to me that any pedal with that name has gotto (a) be pretty intense, and (b) have at least one multi-position rotary switch.  :twisted:

Jason Stout

.....And flexible!
Jason Stout


and alot of the settings have to be unusable.


Hey, thanks guys!
Mark, I'm using perfboard. For the last two years. :) But thanx.

So noone saw a pedal in a music store that would've been named "Kama Sutra", right?