Adding parallel inputs with gain control...

Started by james t, May 22, 2004, 11:44:14 PM

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james t

Hi everyone,

   After examining the needs of my brother, I think that I'm going to build one of the AMZ Mosfet Booster circuits for his birthday.  He also needs something that he can plug several instruments into as well as a booster.  My idea is to add parallel inputs in front of the booster circuit.
   Here is my idea - I took what appears to be the input structure of Craig Anderton's mixer from EPFM and used it to develop my own parallel input version of the Mosfet Booster ( For at least 3 input jacks:   input jack --> lug 3 of 10k 'Level' pot, lug 2 of level pot to booster input, lug 1 of 'Level' pot to ground ).
   Will this work without any evil side effects, and did I get all of the level-effecting parts of the input from the Anderton circuit?  (Translation:  Since I don't know what I am doing, did I just come up with an awesome idea or an idea that displays my ignorance in a grand way?)  Or is this just wishful thinking and is the real solution to build a booster and a mixer then run the mixer into the booster?

james t


The questions are too convoluted for me to sort out.
 Should be N/P running a mixer into a booster.
 There's a simple mixer at AMZ also.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

james t

Let me clarify, then.

The goal is to have one circuit that accomplishes 2 goals.  The first goal is to be able to plug 1-4 instruments into the box and to have control of each input level individually.  The second goal is to have any one of those inputs running into the AMZ Mosfet Booster.  I thought of building the AMZ simple mixer, but this does not accomplish my goal of being able to control each input level individually without modification.

The questions are:
Is this really 2 seperate boxes - do I need a mixer circuit and a booster circuit - OR can I solve this problem by wiring up several parallel inputs with level control pots?  If so, is there an example of this sort of thing anywhere?

james t