DIST into SS amp...[?s]]

Started by petemoore, May 23, 2004, 01:08:44 PM

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Preface to question:
 My boxes are voiced by ear using tube amps, and when I try them on a friends SS Fender, Crate, or other SS amps, the amp's internal distortion 'wins' [generally], providing clean boost [via clean channel's voicing] and Heavy Distortion [Via Dist channel]. New heavier tones can be had, with heavier noise accompanying it. I agreed that boosts and distiortions are sometimes easily written off by SS amp owners, [at least the ones of mine we tried were] especially those with no intention of buying into tubes, that have only heard efkts tried through their SS amps....as has been reported, the differences of an efkt into an SS amp Vs Tube amp can be quite stark.
 Question: What boosts and distortions [mods included] do you find pleasing to use with say a typical 2 channel, 1x 10' speaker, SS amp?

  ..PHazers and wahs, trems and choruses seem to work great on SS from my experiences.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


On ss amps i think the shakka brada3 can`t be beat.Expecially if you replace the tl072/jrc4558 with a 1451(hmm is that correct,you know what i mean)chip.
The Marshall bluesbreaker did a good job too.