I just found out i can get spr. reverb from my trem springs!

Started by sir_modulus, May 25, 2004, 10:30:14 PM

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I was just foolin' with my guitar(and i restrung it), when i noticed the bridge was like 3cm off the body! when i hit the a string open, the springs in the trem arm (at back, for a standard el-cheapo squier Jagmaster trem) started buzzing and i got some nice sounding notes in combo. Know this is off topic, but i thought i'd post it anyway.

LM 250+

Eric H

" I've had it with cheap cables..."

Peter Snowberg

Eschew paradigm obfuscation


:shock: Here is a free idea for you prof effect makers:

What if you try to electrically amplify those spring sounds, and mix it with pickup sounds? If it works, there is big potential market, so many strats and copies included there...


Paul Marossy

That's very interesting... I was under the impression that you needed an active send and return, like on tube amps (or SS). That's pretty cool that you can do this with a quality guitar pickup.

I almost want to go buy a cheapo guitar from a pawn shop and start hacking...   :wink: