More and More OT posts

Started by Ed G., May 30, 2004, 05:40:06 PM

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Ed G.

It seems that the focus of what this forum is about is getting lost in more and more OT posts.

Not to be a cybernazi or anything, but do we really need to discuss what song makes you cringe or how to fix computer problems here?

That's not what this forum is for. Furthermore, there are plenty of other forums made specifically for those off-topic discussions.

Do a google groups search or something, chances are it's out there, but it doesn't need to be here.

Think about it, every time an off-topic post is put up, an on-topic post is bumped to the bottom. So the guy who's waiting for advice on debugging an effect, his post gets knocked down for some other off-topic post.

I'm just saying, please be considerate.


I tend to almost go completely the other way to say that many of the questions asked, IE how do I wire a 3pdt, are in plenty of places on Google, while the OT posts are just a sort of way of getting an opinion of some people similiar to you.  As long as OT posts only take up, say, 10% of general posts, and they aren't outrageous, it's no big deal to me.  At the HC effects forum, about 50% of theposts are OT, but it's cool because most are effects-heads and therefor cool people.



I agree with Ed G.

HCFX is a good example of what some of us don't want this forum to be.

Peter Snowberg

I think a little OT stuff is fine but if it were at 50% I would have left long ago.

What I see is that there are quite a few posts marked OT that are exactly ON topic too. Hmmmm....

Take care,
Eschew paradigm obfuscation


Imo, even if its an OT post... if it gets more than the "regular" 5 people posting replies (not that that is a bad thing) then more and more people will feel welcome. If they feel more welcome, they would be more inclined to post replies to questions and offer their advice.

Alot of the OT stuff i don't read after the first page... thats just me, however, i don't think we should make an OT post complaining about OT posts... that just seems redundance

"Quote From Aron"

OT (Off topic) posts can be fun and are mostly welcome. If something positive happens, we'd like to hear it! For the most part, divisive threads are not welcome. If a thread threatens to become divisive, I reserve the right to lock and archive or remove it entirely.



Quite apart from the fact that this thread is OT, the odd OT thread at the present rate can be quite refreshing. Folks can always bump their queries back to the top if they feel that they've been pushed to another page. Often it's the OT threads that promote the friendliness of the site. More of a problem can be OT replies WITHIN a thread, but a chat is a pleasant experience most of the time.


All work and no play.....

Brian Marshall

i would say that very much OT stuff is either related to music, or electronic... i.e.  songs that make you cringe, or how do i fix my tube amp?  

This forum is probably more on topic than any others i have seen that arent run by nazis.

the ada depot board used to be really bad..... you could ask related questions on there, and they would get moved to a topic that was fequented much less... therefore less help.

I like the HC forum, it is what it is, but i dont want this place to be like that.... by its nature this forum is a little more technical, and less of a place to just hang out and chit chat.


and the fact that most of us are tech-heads make us inherintly the people to go to with computer problems!  I'd trust you guys if i have a question about something mostly off topic, but kinda technical...I think i'd be able to get an answer.  And i think thats fine...

Mark Hammer

You can have a topic that is absolutely core to this forum, and somebody sticks in a tongue in cheek line or some self-deprecating remark and very quickly it turns into a *very* OT thread as all the old farts here rib each other.  So, obviously simply classifying threads by their title says little about the content.  

Similarly, as has been noted by several in this thread, many threads that self-label as "OT" (I suspect likely because the poster is a little unsure of themselves, sometimes) are actually fairly germane.  To my mind, if it has something related to the DIY aspect of pedal-making, modding, design, and use, then it is NOT off-topic.  Within that perspective, threads about swap meets or places to get parts for cheap, or what to look for in a DMM, are within the perimeter of this forum, while threads about tube amps are probably much better posted on one of the Ampage amp forums, where it stands a much better chance of having a wider audience, and people who are keenly interested and knowledgeable in the area.  That's not a question of which forum is "better" but rather which is better for which purpose and which niche they have made a point of identifying.  I routinely check the Ampage effects forums, and frequently send people from there over here because it is a better site for their needs, again because of the wider audience.

The inclusion of an OT subforum at Ampage has, in my view, been not especially helpful to it.  I have to admit I post there so I won't point my finger too much, but I will say that having TOO much leniency about OT posts tends to invite people who have nothing much to say except for trolling, which ultimately ends up being disruptive and divisive.  It is the richness and relevance of the content here that makes it such a treasure.  As Eric Idle used to say on Monty Python "Boom, boom, every one a Maserati!".  People hear about this place, log on, and can't believe there is so damn much useful content, current and past.

Part of creating the impression of the richness of content is that it is one continuous monolithic forum, rather than several subforums.  From the perspective of keeping people in touch with *everything* and allowing serendipity to work its magic ("Hmmm, that looks intriguing.  I wonder what THAT thread is about?"), the current thread structure is about as good as it gets.  I fear that encouraging OT posts or threads not that related to pedals/FX will ultimately result in the division into several subforums, which will signal the loss of the main difference between this place and Ampage.

Of course, that doesn't mean anyone needs to be draconian about OT posts, but I think we would all do well to learn how to gently direct visitors or those with OT queries to better-suited sites, and keep our own wandering attention span reasonably reined in so that the S/N ratio remains high.

Wait a sec!  Isn't THIS an OT thread?



Hey, as long as there's mostly discussion about the right stuff, I don't mind.

This is STILL the friendliest place to be to discuss anything resembling my passion, electronics!  :D
Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)

Gilles C

I may be wrong, but to me, it's a bit like being in a band.

Do you always talk about the music or the songs you play with the members of your group, or do you sometimes talk about something else?

Of course, people don't form a group to talk about cars all the time, or anything else not related to the music to play.

And this forum feels a bit like having a lot of band mates all over the world...

But it is also true that I wouldn't like to be in a band where the guys would talk about everything except music, or guitars, all the time. I would get tired of this very fast. A little bit, not too much is ok.

Now, what is too much?




I love the 90% ON 10% OFF mix we have.

Quotevery quickly it turns into a *very* OT thread as all the old farts here rib each other
guilty, as accused :oops:
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)

The Tone God

I think the adhearence to the OT labeling of off topics is quite good here. It seems that people here are even overly cautious and sometimes label topics OT when IMHO they are not. As long as people continue to be consistant with the OT labeling vistors can have the option of skipping over the thread.

I have a far bigger bone to pick with the lack of clear thread titles. Some titles a far too vague. "Need help!!!", "Check this out...", "What is this ?", and so forth are nearly useless and far more likely to be over looked by those who come here having to flip through a few pages of posts. The "Whats the best..." posts get anoying as well. The lack of use of the search function and FAQs can be bothersome.

Still overall I'm quite happy with things as they are. I don't see any need for change.



Quote from: The Tone God
Still overall I'm quite happy with things as they are. I don't see any need for change.

I agree with your point on the spam like tactic of "Hey check this out!", or "What is this?" posts, but also agree that things as they are are not very problematic, and far and away have a much higher signal to noise ratio than virtually any other forum I've participated in.  As someone else posted; All work and no play makes Jack a Dull Boy...

Unless you've watched "The Shining" one too many times, this idea shouldn't fill you with too much dread.

Kerry M

Paul Marossy

I get better results from my OT posts here than at almost any other forum I visit. I know that there are people here who are very knowledgeable in many different areas. Thus the ocassional OT post.

IMO, computers, stompboxes and guitar amps are all related to eachother. We need our computers properly functioning for being here at this forum, recording soundclips, making PCB layouts, etc. We need functioning guitar amps so that the stompboxes we build can be heard by someone. And of course, this forum is about stompboxes. For guitar amp stuff, I mostly go to ampage, but I like to share some of my projects here for those who may be thinking about building their own tube amp in the hopes that it may inspire someone to actually do it - just as Doug Hammond has done for me. Besides, when you are talking about tube based stompboxes, it approaches a tube amp, just without the power amp section. So, in that regard, I think it is good to know a little bit about how tubes work and how tube amps work. This is not necessarily the place for talking about tube amps, but I don't see anything wrong with ocassional posts on the topic. Now, there are other posts that are questionable, but even most of those can somehow be related to building stompboxes. Like sitting on your soldering iron....  :lol:

Just my 2 cents


I personally LIke the little OT's here. Not to say I want' more, the current level is just fine....
 Unlike a band setting where OT consumes the 'attention time' available with all the members being there, distractions OT at a band practice cut into the available 'time'...
 Completely different than a post labelled OT, if you don't want to make a time allotment to read/post, it's very easy to disregard by passing it over.
 We're all friends here, and considering that we all have the ability to 'not look at typings that bother us, it's easy to keep to the threads that Are germaine to us at the fore.
 I find that looping into OT topics [where exactly does one draw the line?] is part of the glue that bonds...and adds strength to the fabric that is the comradery we see here.
 I would hope that if reading something bothers you, simply don't read it...more importantly don't respond to it.
 Everything is related to everythng, sometimes, one has to cross the 'line' to find out where it actually IS...I know for certain I :oops:
 OT's add a certain amount of Muck, as long as I can take out the trash without it spilling on the way to the dump...I don't mind it at all...sometimes Gems ARE found in the garbage !!!
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Great Place, Great Mix :wink:

I agree many of the OT things are right on.  I don't think you can isolate the interaction of the stompbox from rest of the signal chain.  Starting with the pick, strings, pickups, guitar, wood, etc. thru to the speaker, cabinet, room, mic, processing gear, recorder, etc. :roll:

It's sort of like a bar where you know folks and talk about your favorite stuff, or what is bothering you some times. :D

It appears there are number of folks here that suffer from dression (who doesn't) and sometimes mention it.  It also appears there are folks here who are professionals in the area as well as musicians and stompbox experts.  

My post about Gain Hog/Depression support group was tongue in cheek about my inability to stick to the plans, the delightfulness of the amp emulations and how this all makes me feel better about life.   8)
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


Boy!  :shock:
I am embarassed!  :oops:
I thought OT meant "ON TOPIC"!  :roll:



Eric H

Quote from: Mark Hammervery quickly it turns into a *very* OT thread as all the old farts here rib each other.
I believe I agree with the rest of your post, as well,  Mark --I'll let you know when I finish reading it.
" I've had it with cheap cables..."