Tremelus Lune circuit board dimensions

Started by bernie01, May 30, 2004, 11:55:20 PM

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Hi guys,
newbie at stomp box building but thinking of doing the Tremelus Lune.
However the circuit board layout here has no dimensions; can anyone supply them or are you supposed to scale it from the chip pin dimensions?

Thanks, Bernie.

PS: Any encouragement re this trem would be appreciated! Lots of people seem to think its the go. Just looking for fairly clean/creamy surf to garage rock sounds.


Well, see, because it's in PDF format, it's already to scale.  All you have to do is print it, and make sure your printer is NOT set to resize it in any way.  As long as you don't scale it up or down while printing, it'll print to the exact size it needs to be, and all your parts will fit as intended.
Sound Tech


Thanks! I get it!
Does anyone sell the board pre-made? I've never made a circuit board and don't really want to buy all the bits just for one board.


We (commonsound) haven't done a production run of tremulus boards yet - however, there is a guy who used to be on HC effects forum who would make any PCB that isn't available from tonepad or GGG for US$5-8 dollars, and who was into commonsound stuff .... I think his nick might have been autopilot or something? Take a look over there.



Thanks Mike.
Regards, Bernie.
(Wollongong, Australia)


Arrrgh, I helped a bloody Easterner?????!!!!  :P ;)

I've built the tremulus a number of times - it really is a great trem, simple to build,simple to debug and good sounding. If you can't get a pcb it is definitely doable on perf. Considering the low parts count, I don't think you will find anything simpler with such a good sound - and there is the potential for mods (eg stereo -> dual tremulus circuits, or a second LFO, and so on). I'd offer to make a PCB for you, but - really - perf is the way to go I think!

Let me know if you need any more specific help or advice!



Why not build it exactly the way it suggests on the site? CBCB works incredibly well, especially if you use something a bit more durable than cardboard as your substrate. I use Formica. You can get little samples from any home supply store that are exactly the right size and they're free.