A person could make a ton of money...

Started by tele_guitarist, June 02, 2004, 12:04:03 PM

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hair splitting...
this topic is about a simple RC filter
for audio-purposes with an example
of a depicted LoPass with an fc of ~160Hz,
which by accident is named "HiPass".

(btw.: the article, that the schem is taken from,
says so, too, if one takes time to read it...)

This is a nice example to prove that the possibility
of editing posts is helpful on this board - and should be used!  :wink:

no doubt, that parallelled small caps across the power rails are very
helpful and neccessary in many cases:
again they help for lopass-purposes: let the lowest "frequency", namely
DC pass through the resistive leads or PCB-traces to the power-supply nodes,
and shunting those parasitary high frequencies to ground,
that aren`t being shunted to ground by the (inductive) bigger caps...