Preamp question

Started by dist, September 02, 2006, 05:04:51 PM

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OK. So I'm planing on building an guitar preamp, all i want to do is to drive my peavey tube poweramp with my pedals.   

There should offcourse be some tone shaping but thats for later. My question is. The amp would offcourse like the signal to be a bit stronger than the original guitarsignal. Line level i think. Would it do just to build an booster. And Ive heart that the ruby amp sounds sweet. Would that be too much? 

Does anyone understand my queston.. HE he


Go to ROG and buils one of their amp sims, any are sufficient for driving a power amp, and you have the luxury of choosing between as many "preamps" as you care to build. For meat the moment, it's the English Channel, Thunderchief, and 18, preceded by various boosters and other pedals.
You may want to add a buffer between the amp sims and the power amp, that can be helpful for matching imedances.


If you want a tube preamp try the matchless hotbox or tube driver.



Will the Tube Driver drive a power amp? I owned a commercial one, and I'm not sure that would work.


OK. silly question maybe but. Who and where is ROG?



Don't forget the Professor Tweed.  Nice tube amp sim and sounds great with a TS-808 in front of it.


Thanks for all the good advice. But my quesion still remains unanswered.  Is it sufficient to use an booster to get enough juice to drive an tube amp. Either a power amp or trough the fxloop/pwramp in on an head.