OT: just curious with that thing in his hand

Started by zener, June 30, 2004, 01:50:15 PM

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Metallica is my favorite band. I don't listen to anybody else but I'm still open to other old school metal groups like Megadeth, Pantera, etc. if ever I'll have more than enough time.

Looking at this pic

QuoteWhy is Kirk's right hand wrapped during live shows?
That is Kirk's picking hand, which he does hit pretty hard playing his guitar. The tape cover the lines in his palm that break open as he plays

I just don't get it :?  especially the lines that says "lines in the palm that breaks open". Do the palm lines interfere with picking :roll: ?

Before I use to think that is for tightening his palm for more power or comfort or whatever.

So guys what do you think?

BTW, Kirk is part Filipino, which what makes me like him more than others.
Oh yeah!

black mariah

Something I've run into at times is that if I'm playing hard and indiscriminately, I'll catch the fold of my hand on the strings. He might do this so often that taping over it is preferable to bleeding all over his guitars. :lol:


So do you mean that you get your fingers strangled in the strings when you hit hard the axe? But the tape seems to cover less than an inch strip portion of his palm.

I keep on wondering :roll:
Oh yeah!

black mariah

No, you're thinking of the wrong part of the hand. Make a fist with your hand, then look at the side of your hand. There's one part, the edge of the fold uner your pinky, that probably sticks out a bit. That's what I'm talking about. It looks like the tape is covering that part of his hand.


It's something that is not so commonly done. When you play only flatpick (i barely play with a pick), and you play real hard (like hitting 5ths and solos) where you pick only one or two sets of strings at a time and hit them hard, you put a band to prevent anything (loose fingers, skin, palm) from touching the strings and getting hurt. The band keeps his hand tight together.


Thanks for the input so far. But maybe there's more.

Got to try that "band in the hand" and see if it will makes me feel good as I play or simply just to feel like Kirk :lol:
Oh yeah!


BTW, is that a garter or anything that can be stretched or just a masking tape or anything similar?
Oh yeah!


Metallica mutes the crap out of that Low E string - that would probably wear on your hand after 300 shows.  Masking tape isn't going to work - it's not sticky enough. Try medical/sports tape - the stuff that's used for wrapping ankles/wrists. It should be easy enough to come by.



hmmm...... all along I thought he uses the band to determine
the left from the right hand

black mariah

Quote from: ALMetallica mutes the crap out of that Low E string - that would probably wear on your hand after 300 shows.  Masking tape isn't going to work - it's not sticky enough. Try medical/sports tape - the stuff that's used for wrapping ankles/wrists. It should be easy enough to come by.


No, you just develop one bastard of a callous. Trust me on this one. :lol:


Quote from: crawler486hmmm...... all along I thought he uses the band to determine
the left from the right hand

What, like our former president who wears a wristband in his left hand? :wink:
Oh yeah!


I though he was imitating M. Jackson, but couldn't find only one white dress glove...lol.
 Makes it easier for those not in the front rows to keep track of where that hand is.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.