multi ground question

Started by changes, July 12, 2004, 03:12:24 AM

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i´m thinking of building some effects(distortions) in one enclosure selected by a rotary switch
each one of them will be powered by a 9V bat and has negative ground
can they share the shame ground or not?
will it alter the sound of each pedal if it has the same ground with another pedal?


If they are all going to share a battery (or other PS) they will HAVE to share a ground.  There is no way around it.  Otherwise, with only one effect being selected at a time it really doesn't matter.

You should, however, make sure that you gorund the enclosure.  This will likely prove to be a common ground (input/output jacks).

Everything else aside, negative ground should be compatible with other negative grounds.  The sound should not be altered.