Hiwatt ROG-type pedal

Started by tcobretti, July 23, 2004, 10:33:20 AM

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I've been working on the schematic for my Hiwatt pedal, and I can't figure out what to do with the (as drawn) right halves of tubes 3 and 4.  If you guys could advise me a little I'd much appreciate it.


Will it work if I just plug jfets into these spots?  I'd have to set up some way to regulate the voltage going into the tube 3 jfet.

Tube 4 seems unnecessary and I was planning to omit it.  Smart or dumb?

I've got the parts together, so if I can get the schematic figured out I'll breadboard it this weekend.  Then, if I'm lucky, about wednesday I'll finally get the breadboard to make any sound at all.


the right half of V3 in the hiwatt schematic ( the one with only a 1M and a 220k resistor and no signal on the grid) is only used to provide a positive bias voltage for the phase inverter that follows. I see no reason to include that in a r.o.g. style emulator.  V4 ( far right ) is the phase inverter itself and I sugest you look at how r.o.g deals with them and do the same...

...just curious...wich of the two channels are you going to emulate?...Ive only plays through Hiwatts a few times and as I remembered, I liked the normal channel when playing low volume and using the master, but prefered the bright one when the poweramp started to sweat....



I was planning on the normal channel to start with.  I've heard that the bright channel was unusably bright.  I plan to breadboard both and see which is cooler.

Thanks very much for the advice, I'll check out ROG and see what they did with the phase inverter.