Finally built a millinium 1

Started by jimbob, August 06, 2004, 12:30:00 AM

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I always buy the 3pdt switches but for testing purposes i keep a few dpdt around. I decided it was time to see how this thing actually works and it does great. I expected it to boot up slow as well as when i turn it off, but it worked just the same as my other 3pdt effects..

i would recommend this to anyone using a dpdt!

"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"

Mike Burgundy

Try a Mil2 as well, it's even better. And it keeps evolving: look at the Mil2 article and compare to the Mil2 stated in the Mil-C article....It's ever moving and improving ;)
A Mil2 is a standard add-on for me, just like pull-down resistors, power filtering and protection. I just stick it onto a PCB automatically - although I do like the mini-pcb stuck to the switch method as well with small effects.
As RG already pointed out (if I remember correctly) the BC170 already has a protction diode (see datasheet) so that skips one component. Real compact.


Can u tell me where to find a schem for mil 2?
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"