Joe Gagan still out there?

Started by Mike Burgundy, August 18, 2004, 07:08:25 AM

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Mike Burgundy

Just wondering - we haven't heard from the man in a while!


Chris R

i ordered my bronto jr in 2002 when he was in trouble... i finially got a defective one about a year later.. sent it back.. and it's almost been another year...

havn't heard from him in 3 months or so.


Ben N


WTF?  One of the nicest guys arouind, at least in his forum-haunting days.  I hope all is well with him.



I know it is bad that so many people / customers got affected, but what seemed to happen to Joe could have happened to any one of us. With luck he'll rejoin us here someday.


LP Hovercraft

Joe Gagan has done some brilliant stuff.  I've made 2 Skyrippers so far with the skillethousing and all.   All of the claims made on the text about "quite possibly most expressive, tunable, insane fuzz in the world" are credible.  Highly recommended build if you want a fuzz that's yours to mold into a spectrum of fuzztones and beyond.

Mike Burgundy

No, don't get  me wrong. I don't mean is he still in business, is he still shipping or whatever (although whe might have something between us)
Seriously, I miss the guy. I've seen some ideas the last year that I feel he would have jumped in on, either because he's working on something along those lines (keyphrase being "join in") or because he likes the idea (keyphrase being "I've got a new idea - what if..") or because he just likes to help us out (figure out yer own keyphrase), has been there (keyword being "beware of...")  or plain just likes the atmosphere we have here.  Group-development is a beautiful thing. It happens here.
Anything personal I'll contact the man himself if I get worried, but I really, really do miss him here.
Had to be said.


i talked to him . he's doing fine. just regrouping and in good health.
        rock on,