Difference between an SOIC and DIP?

Started by John Egerton, September 21, 2004, 01:25:54 PM

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John Egerton

I was wondering what the answer to this was?

Which is the best to use in 9v effects?


Save a cow... Eat a Vegetarian.........


soic is surface mount and dip is pins.  pins are (for me) much easier to solder.  Otherwise, they are the same chip - just different packaging.


"dip" -->  dual inline package

"sip" -->  single inline package(R-packs)

"soic" --> small outline integrated circuit

there's also
"MSOP",  "SOT23" , "SC70"

"sot" -->  "small outline transistor"

in all cases of packaging, the IC is the same(the die),
just the packageing is smaller.  The trend is for smaller
and smaller packages to save space(pcb realistate)
especially in the cellphone market.

If it get smaller than "soic", it's gets near impossible to solder without
specialized equipment(microscopes, micro-tipped soldering irons,)
(solder-paste & hot airjet soldering)

have fun
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I accidentally bought some CD4013s in the SOIC package for my blue box.  Needless to say, they're still sitting in an unopened package.  Anyone need em?