CS-3 Mod / WH-10 Simulator??

Started by Bryan, December 11, 2005, 09:27:59 AM

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Hey everyone, new to the forum. And I have a couple questions. I'm a huge John Frusciante fan (Red Hot Chili Peppers) and while over in Iraq I learned almost all of Blood Sugar Sex Magik on my acoustic. I just got back yesterday and now I'm dissapointed with my tone compared to his! I found out he used alot of compression on that album and so I'm going to buy the CS-3 but from my research it's in my better interest to mod it to get a good sound. Now for my first question;

1. I've seen several mods and the two that appeal to me are the ones available on http://www.monteallums.com/ and http://www.indyguitarist.com . What is the difference between these mods and which one will get me that funky tone I'm looking for?

2. Also, unfortunatley I'm stuck with dual humbuckers at the present and I know he gets that sounds out of single coil Fenders, will the CS-3 help anyways?

3. Lastly, his unique Wahwah sound comes from an old WH-10 Wah pedal which they don't make anymore and can be pricey. Has anyone done a project such as mimicing the electronics in a Crybaby or something of the nature? I'd be interested in something like that if it were cheaper!

Thanks alot for any help!



the "old" WH-10 schematic is easily found if you have a search. However, the newer "dual gang pot" version schematic is thus far prooved ellusive to me.
Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)


Quote from: Bryan on December 11, 2005, 09:27:59 AM
1. I've seen several mods and the two that appeal to me are the ones available on http://www.monteallums.com/ and http://www.indyguitarist.com . What is the difference between these mods and which one will get me that funky tone I'm looking for?

Thanks alot for any help!


Hi Brian,
I can't tell you first hand, but I've had customers who have had both mods and they say that Monte's mod makes it more of a mellow compressor, maybe more orange squeezerish. My mod was developed out of the needs of some nashville session cats...it tends to be a favorite among them, even compared to the ross clones out today. It has alot more 'meat' to it, and more of an organic compression (for lack of a better description). Not as 'splatty', and quite a bit warmer. I'd say if you are wanting that sort of compression that makes your notes ring forever and not much attack, go with Monte's mod. If you are wanting something that will make you sound like a chicken-picker on drugs, you'd probably want to go with the IG one.  :icon_lol:

Hope that helps! :)



John's solo records (Niandra Lades is my fav) have tons of that squished out thin sounding guitar, which was what originally made me want to build my first pedal, a combination ross comp/ orange squeezer.  I've also tried Brian's CS-3 mods to the tone control (I didn't change any of the electrolytics to film caps of the same value) and even got to try AB it with a friends unmodded CS-3.  That mod seems to make the tone control work in a way that theres a volume change as you turn it up, and the change isn't as drastic.  The sound it does have is nice, though, and different than stock.  It was a little fuller (bassier?).  Honestly thats about all I could hear, in the setup I was using at the time.  The change wasn't as big as I expected, it didn't make it seem like a totally different pedal.  Its easy to do, though, and also easily reversable.  The worst thing about the pedal is self noise though, on more extreme settings.  I prefer the (quieter) ross for that reason, to cop that Frusciante sound. 

I read John has sometimes uses his pickups out of phase with each other, which gives a thin, phonograph kind of sound.  If you felt like it you could try that out by flipping one of your humbuckers 180 degrees, so the in between setting is out of phase.  That into a compressor should get you something suitably Frusciantian.


niftydog: Thanks for the tip! Would building this be an easy task? And what is the difference between the two models you described? Is the first even worth building?

wampcat1: Thanks for the suggestion. Mellow isn't what I would use to describe Frusciante's compression so I think the IG tone may be what I'm looking for.

Processaurus: You know exactly what I'm looking for. Niandra Lades is also my favorite. I especially love the tone he uses on Untitled #6 when that snappy lead comes in about a minute in I think. I already committed to the CS-3 because a deal I came across, however. Do you think if I do the IG mod I will still get at least closer to the sound I'm looking for? Also, I've heard people suggest using a Boss Noise Supressor pedal with the CS-3, is that something you'd recommend to even things out? I've also rumours John changed the polarity of his middle pickup to give him that sound but I could never confirm it. One more question since we're talking about Niandra. I'm also looking into a good fuzz pedal. What would your recommend for a sound similar to the lead in the beginning of As Can Be (my favorite song)? Thanks for all the help!



Unfortunately I don't know the song titles, in keeping with crusty 4 track records' style I only have a crustier cassette dub of that one.  Supposedly he's used the DS-1 for days, which seems right, because his songs have more of a distortion sound rather than overdrive.  Transistor sounding...

Using a noise gate is a good idea with really high gain, like a maxed out compressor into a maxed out distortion pedal (get the NS-2 if you can, because it uses a sidechain to keep track of when to gate, so you can use pedal combos that make as much noise as guitar sound, and it will still work right).  Sure, try the CS-3, you'll be able to get something good out of it.  I guess Brian's mod is worthwhile, because the tone control on the CS-3 is kind of funky, and the mod seems to make that control color the sound less (do less?).  Its easy, especially with his nice set of instructions, plus it sounds pretty good.  Just don't expect changing a couple caps to make a $45 stompbox into an 1176.  Otherwise record studios should go entirely to pedal format. ;D

some nerd stuff

Its rad to hear someone else thinking the sounds on that recording are inspirational, they're so unique...
Take care


wampcat1: So you are affiliated with IndyGuitarist correct? I've done some more research and what you've said rings true and from other sound tests I've made up my mind. I'm going to go with the IG compressor mod. My question now is does the kit come with all components needed or not? It's $15 on the website but I can't tell if its just the instructions or not. If it is, how much are the components if I purchase them myself? Thanks!
