Easyvibe build pics and questions

Started by lightningfingers, November 21, 2004, 04:20:42 PM

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taken with my crappy digital camera. almost completely stock (tuned the phase-stage caps a little to my own taste).

And now for some questions.

The big ol' 10uF cap across the comparators output completely eliminates the tickytickytickyticktickticktick noise _HOWEVER_ it does cut some quite usefull speed settings of either end of the pots sweep. Any way to stop it ticking without the cap? I tried 6u8 and 4u7 but they did not get rid of the tick.

Also, did anyone else notice the depth pot is only good fro the 2nd half of its rotation?
Other than that its amazingly close to my "real" univibe sonically. John Hollis I salute you sir! :P

EDIT: almost forgot, i plan on recording some sound clips tomorrow, is there any good (read "free") sites to host them?


i think someone posted some sort of mod for the depth pot a while back - a reverse log pot?  I dont remember.  Try searching :-\


I remember my EZ vibe doing alot of other things, fading sweep [knock on wood !!!] hasn't been a problem since the last time I opened it, but not ticking.
 My board is almost twice that size.
 Big hassle to test this one, but running the wires around the board, next to a ground plane, or shielding the input, possibly running a ground plane of sorts [copper sheet with a ground clipped wrapped in plastic on it may just slide int here...over where the LFO is running stuff/PS ? Would be something EZ to try.
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