Resistor replacing pot question

Started by tungngruv, November 25, 2004, 12:23:06 PM

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I've seen somewhere that if a pedal has a control maxed out all of the time, it can be replaced with a resistor that has the same effect. I'm getting ready to do a project and I need to cut down on some space on the top of the enclosure, this seems like it would help. The resistor would take the place of a maxed out 500K gain control. Thanks for any help guys. :D


im not sure what the question is here - yes, you can do that.  Use your DMM to determine whether it is max gain at full resistance or no resistance.  Besides for that, I dont know what else I can tell you - it works, i do it all the time.


adjust the gain where you want it fixed using the pot.
 without disturbing the adjustment of the pot, remove it and measure it's resistance...replace with fixed resistor of close value to the measurement taken from the pot.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks guys, BTW, it's a 500K gain pot for another DOD OD 250 clone, pot turned all the way up. Thanks again!