transistor orientation

Started by BramcoteLorne, January 03, 2005, 05:29:48 PM

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hi all,

I've been stuggling with a problem with my builds for the past few months.

Something is not quite right, after every chord or note I play there is a nasty fuzzy sort of crackle and then the note/chord kinda fades in and out till it can't be heard anymore, sounds a bit like:

it's worse the harder I play and the hotter the pickup.

I've not been building ckt's for long but I have the same problem with
anything I attempt (so far: aron's beginner project, EH LPB1 boost, vox
distortion booster, bazz fuzz, ruby amp).

I can't understand why everything I build has the same symptoms and yet I can't find any info on similar problems in any FAQ's.

I'm wondering if I could have damaged my transistors, I have them in sockets and if I put it in the wrong way I just flip it round till it works.

does any of this make any sense to anyone?



it is quite easy to find the pinouts for most transistors. you should make the effort to do that first rather than using the random orientation method! Google is your friend!
Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

It is madness not to have a cheap meter that you can check transistor polarity with. It's a lot faster than google! plus, even with the data sheet, i can never tell which way is up!
I doubt it is the transistor, with these circuits wrong polarity shouldn't hurt it. Unless you have shorted the base to the power line for example.
Lash out on a new transistor. to be sure.



a new transistor is correctly in the socket, and still no change, is this a problem anyone has had before?
