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3-way Footswitch

Started by bassdude46, January 09, 2005, 01:22:34 PM

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Hi. I recently purchased a Boss RC-20XL loop station, but it requires 3 footswitches to toggle the tracks up, down and reverse mode.

I don't want to spend about £30 a shot to get the Boss footswitches so I would like to build one, but I have no idea how. So I stumbled across this site and the message board and thought you people would be able to help.

Basically I want it to be one unit with 3 switches in it, one that would go to the up, one to the down and one to the reverse inputs. Can anyone tell me where I can find a schematic that I might be able to adapt? Or can anyone come up with a schematic for me please?

I assume it shouldn't be too hard, but I don't know where to start.


Dan N

The Boss FS-5U is a momentary. Smallbear sells momentary stompers. 3 of those and 3 jacks could do the job?


Thanks for the reply. I was hoping to make them though. It would be more fun and cheaper so if you know of how to do it or where I can get a guide or schematic to do it I would appreciate that too!


Alex C

Paul Marossy had a section on his old website about how he made a tap tempo momentary switch for his delay.  I believe it's as simple as a jack with the tip and ring each going to a separate lug of a momentary SPST switch.   When the switch is depressed, it completes the circuit and triggers the appropriate function in the effect.

Like this:

But set up like I've drawn it, you'd need three cords running between the effect and the switch box.  I'm sure there's an easier way to do this.



Wow! Brilliant! Thanks!

Well I shall hopefully build that sometime over the next few weeks and will let everyone know how it goes!

I had an idea it would be that simple, but I'll say it is simple when I have it built and working!

Thanks again!


I guess an easier way to do it would be to wire the switches in parallel but then I would still need to get a 3-way splitting cable to put into each of the inputs. But would wiring it in parallel work?

Actually come to think of it, it wouldn't would it cos each switch would trigger all the inputs. Oh well! I knew electrics and me don't mix!