digital filters: "too much" information (link)

Started by Paul Perry (Frostwave), February 04, 2005, 09:21:45 AM

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Passive sucks.

Progressive Sound, Ltd.


Ah, if only this truly was too much information. Not much discussion on fixed point issues, no discussion of lattice filters, no descriptions of double precision math (which I am dealing with at the job right now, and which will probably come up in most stompbox realizations, as these tend to use lower cost fixed point processors). Still, this is a great survey of most digital filter issues.

I took the predecessor to this class from Julius as a lowly freshman in 1988, my first quarter in college. "Way over my head" doesn't even being to do it justice. I started to understand some of these concepts about 12 years later.

Sean Costello

P.S. Julius' online book on waveguides is AMAZING.