Blue Magic tone control?

Started by hilbi, February 26, 2005, 08:06:39 AM

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I juist build a Blue Magic from Torchy's veroboard layout. Very Nice sounding overdrive, but i was wondering if i could make the tone control a litte wider in use, especially some more treble.

I know the caps are very important in this circuit and I didn't  have all the caps the jd sleep recommends, just because they are not all available overehere, for the pf i used ceramic and for the MKT (film) caps.

I already bypassed R11 for the more open sound (red snapper like), wich enhances treble also a bit.

Any advice would be appriciated.

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


Remove the .001 cap in series with the JFET drain trimpot for more treble.  Increase the tone pot 10 100k, and make C11 .0047 or so.  Experiment from there.  Good luck!


Thanks Jake,

My Complimenets on your great design, i like it very much already.

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


I shorted R11.
I added the .1uF paralel to C8.
I removed C9.
I removed D2 (mentioned in an earlier post)
I made c11 5n6 (.0056)

I didn't change the pot and now i got a more brighter overdrive. Let me explain what i'm trying to do here.

I want to use the blue magic as a very light overdrive, i want my guitar to shine through as much as possible, so with tghe tone knob at brightest settings it should be as bright is my clean guitar signal. When i turn up the drive i want to tame the highs by rolling of the tone knob.

any ideas ?

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


I now reduced C2 to 4,7uF to cut a little more bass, 6,6uF still let a lot of bass through for my taste, but 3,3uF cut to much, so i switched over to 4,7uF wich is sounding very natural to me.

Anyone done this as well?

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


added another 1uF to C2, it now is 5,7uF wich is sounding a bit better to me, otherwise it sounds to much like a tubescreamer, i really want a natural overdrive.

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


Quote from: hilbiI want to use the blue magic as a very light overdrive, i want my guitar to shine through as much as possible, so with the tone knob at brightest settings it should be as bright is my clean guitar signal.

Build the ROG Peppermill, and either fit it with a tone control or use the guitar tone control. Don't get me wrong, I like the Blue Magic very much, but the Peppermill is more transparent.


i didn't like the soundsamples of the peppermill very much, that's why i choose the blue magic, but maybe I should try the peppermill as well.

Meantime can anyone tell me what Lowering C4 and C10 would do to the sound?

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp