PCB-mount terminals for off-board wiring?

Started by trjones1, March 28, 2005, 02:09:31 PM

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I'm looking for an easier/neater way to deal with offboard wiring and I started to wonder if there are pcb mount terminals for attaching wiring.  I assume it would be something like a normal socket, but with a receptacle for wire and a screw to hold the wire in place.  I remember using terminals like this in my previous life as an audio technician to hook up in-wall volume controls and things like that.  Do they exist as pcb mount items and has anyone ever used them?  I'm getting so tired of my wiring issues I'm starting to think of using solid core wire, even though it would kill me to use this for audio signal.


Sure, look at the wiring harnesses used in Crybaby's.  Something like that would work great.


Yeah, I was thinking about something like the crybaby, but I was wondering if something like that comes in individual units so that you wouldn't have to redesign each pcb to get the leads to meet at a common point, just put a terminal at each wiring point.