Scaling image for pcb?

Started by Coriolis, March 22, 2005, 06:14:19 AM

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Hi, I'm a first-time poster with a problem:
I've been reading all (I think) the posts concerning how to print pcb patterns to correct sizes. Everybody says to use Photoshop for scaling, but I don't hav acces to that. I've got The Gimp, but can't seem to get it right.  I'm trying to print the Crash Sync PCB on John Hollis' site, but it comes out way too big as it is, and I havn't been able to scale it right using the reciprocal method Niftydog was talking about.

Is there a tutorial, a trick, a magic word? Does anybody have that( or another) layout of the Crashsync  lying around that they could send me?
Am I being too much of a pain?  :wink:

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Have you tried re-sizing it in a Word document? If you copy/paste the image on to a document, you can format the size of the picture.


Yeah, I've been messing with The Gimp, OpenOffice, MSpaint, all day.
I think I may have it now, but suddenly I can't get my printer to work!  :roll:
Judging by the loads of posts I've read on this subject, it's a common problem I'm having, I've just never had it before!  :lol:
Did a Tremulus Lune with the Tonepad layout, and that worked like a charm!
Go figure.
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I just hit the "print screen" key and the image is saved on my clipboard.  I transfer the image to MS paint and use the stretch/skew commands to resize after measuring/calculating what I need.



My experience is that if you keep the image as a regular bmp or gif file, Windows will screw you everytime you try to print it, regardless if you try to change the physical resolution (pixels per inch).

I use a program (Paint Shop Pro) to convert the image to a tiff file. Then (since PSP crashes while printing for me) I use MS Paint or something to print it.


I could be wrong, but I think you can get a hold of Jasc Paint Shop Pro either on demo or shareware fairly easily... I've got it but can't remember how I came across it!

It's basically a photoshop rip-off and will resize images.

The other thing to be aware of is the resolution. Perhaps your printer has a fixed print resolution and you'll need to resize the image in the same resolution for the sizes to match up in the real world.

Not being familiar with The Gimp, I can't really help you with that program.
Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)


Thanks for the tips people!
I can confirm the one about resolution, 'cause changing from 72dpi to 300 seemed to almost get me the right size. It's still not quite there i think, so maybe I'll have to convert it to a tiff...
We'll see when I get some toner for my printer.  :wink:

Thanks again!

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