Using Separate Mini-Toggles For Each of Two Guitar Pickups?

Started by JTM45, April 03, 2005, 09:22:48 PM

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  I want to wire a guitar up so that each of its two pickups will have a separate mini-toggle switch. Each switch has to switch one of the pickups ON or OFF independently of the other.I also want the same switches to light an LED when in the pickup ON position (different LED for each of the two pickups).

  I don't know whether this is relevant but each pickup will have its own independent Volume pot and only one of the pickups will have a tone pot. So really each pickup and its components will be a separate circuit.If I want to use both pickups I will just flick both switches to the ON position and both LED's will light.

  Can anyone please tell me firstly, what type of mini-toggle switches I will need and secondly, will it be straightforward to wire it up like this?

  I'd be extremely grateful for some help and advice with this.I think I know how to do it but I'd rather be sure before tackling the project.

 Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this or helps me with the answers to these questions. Regards..........JTM45.


Here I'll draw up a schemo...but I don't like the switching much...I'll show "my" method too (modified Les Paul style)




Thanks Nish!

That would be fantastic. The guitar will also be fitted with a Sustainiac system but I didn't want to complicate matters by trying to include that. Once I have my schematic designed I can give that to the guys at Sustainac and they'll direct me on how to wire the Sustainiac into my schematic.
               Many Thanks.............JTM45.


Photobucket is having some issues as I'm typing this, but I'd like to ask you a it mandatory to have two switches and LED's? You can achieve this also with a modified Les Paul wiring, where you have one switch that has Neck, Bridge, Both, and two volumes and one tone. I've got the wiring exactly as you asked...and the switches you want would be:

I'll post the wiring ASAP, Cheers,



Hi again Nish.

Sorry to be a pain in the ass but I would really like the two separate switches and the LED's if it's possible. It's basically so that when neither pickup is selected they will both effectively be OFF and there will be no signal/sound at all from the guitar.

And the LED's, well they're just there because I like LED's a LOT and they'll look pretty cool too!

Thanks again for your help and efforts. It's very much appreciated.



Cheers, no problemo man!

Nish  8)

P.S. I recommend the battery boxes like this: Battery boxes, because I've found them to be dead useful, and you don't have to worry about the wood screws stripping.


Cheers Nish!

Nice job man. That looks fantastic. I knew this would be the right place to get the information.

I'll let you know how it goes when it's all done!

I can't thank you enough man, but Thanks anyway.

All the Best!               Dave.

Peter Snow

Hi Nish,

You may want a couple of current limiting resistors in series with each of the LEDs.  I find that if I wire up a LED directly to the power it blows quite quickly.  Just a thought....


Remember - A closed mouth gathers no foot.


AHHHH!!! Great...thank peter (the wonder of working late at night) ("two ohms in parallel with two ohms...8 ohms of course....BOOOM...CRAP!!!")




It's people like us who contribute to dead fx pedals selling on eBay for what they'd cost new!


You know, you could change those switches to on-off-ons and then you'd have positions where the pickups could be in or out of phase.  That's how Fender Mustangs are wired.