where can you get veroboards?

Started by triskadecaepyon, April 03, 2005, 09:41:25 PM

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I can't seem to find veroboards in my area.  Where are they availible?  (I'm in Austin, TX)


From Aron, right there on the homepage!



Quote from: Halfuturlec

*ahem* ...  don't you mean Aron?   :P   :wink:



I bought a batch from Futurlec  (before I knew that Aron was selling the same thing) . . . I would encourage you to buy from and support Aron . . . he provides us all with a great service . . . I will be buying my next batch from him . . . promise  :wink:


I just etch my own w/PNP - that's cheap, then I just drill out what I need...

Actually, I have been doing a hybrid of layout and vero because I mod everything I build for myself and I got really tired of the hastle of having a layout and then a chunk of stuff on the side which was hard to secure when it was time to stuff it into one of those electrical boxes...

So, what I do now is I will layout rows of vero around any layout that I think I will be modding later. So, if the pattern:

was my standard layout, say a Tone Machine... I would add vero around it so that my final layout that I etch is:


Where |||| is the vero.

Then, I just route things in and out of the original layout... I found this to be great when you have a circuit that will get you about 80% of the way you are going... then you can just mod away on the vero sections.... it's pretty quick - and it's way less mind-bending when you have a more complicated circuit like a fOXX Tone Machine - just take the layout from GGG and add some vero and go to town.... no need to start from scratch that way on veroboard.