Modding analog delay for delay time expression pedal

Started by filterazonatie, April 12, 2005, 05:16:35 PM

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Is all that's involved bypassing the time pot and sending it to a TRS exp pedal?

Potential problems:

1. Stereo Jack with shunts...exist? hard to get?
2. If Time Pot has radically different value than exp pedal...?

Any help would be appreciated!

By the way, I am 99% done with my first build, I'll post a report soon! :D  (It's a combo, Blue Magic on one side, AMZ boost on the other!)


Just use a multimeter on the delay time pot.  BOSS EV-5's are 10k.  Moog's are 100k.  If it's, say, 5k, you can get a decent job of it by just putting a 10k resistor in series with the tip conductor and the ring and sleeve conductors, effectively dropping the max rating down to 5k (even though you won't get a perfect sweep anymore... it's more reverse log.)  EV-5's use the tip conductor as the center lug.

Stereo jacks withs witched conductors aren't hard to find at all.  I have some if you want me to send you a couple for about 15c each.

More general info:
