Can I add a "Y" circuit to this A/B box?

Started by filteredsoul, July 01, 2005, 10:14:13 AM

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Hi everyone!
I'm new.
I can't figure how to post a pic in here, but I've built the A/B switcher that is in the "tech" section of It's a passive A/B that uses an "X" wiring pattern on the 3PDT switch to ground the un-used channel. The box works as good as my Morley A/B/Y, but it doesn't have the "Y." I'm building 2 of these switchers in one box, and I need to have both of them as A/B/Y. I have more 3PDT switches, so hardware isn't a problem, I just need to know how to wire up the "Y" circuit.

I would REALLY appreciate any help!



If you're a fan of the Morley A/B/Y pedal, they've published the schematic on their website: - hopefully that will help.


I'm actually not a huge fan of the morley, but I've had that schematic for a little while now. I like the design of the Fulltone AB because of the grounding, I'd just like to add the Y to it. I'm running a Mesa Dual Rec. as my main rig and I have one of them thar Line6 AX2's for making sounds with some crazy effects. I like to switch between them, but I can forsee wanting to use both at the same time. Accross the front of my pedal board I made a 2"x2"x31" aluminum channel that houses the effects loop sends/returns, a footswitch to turn the loop on and off, an amp channel switcher footswitch, (By the way... Mesa wants $49 for each of these footswitches. I built them both for under 6 bucks... plus mine have LED indicators) and these 2 A/B/hopefullyY switches. I can send anyone pix if you want, or just look at the fulltone site under tech and tips for the AB.
